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The following programs are available and can be tailored to the needs and interests of the group. They can be offered virtually or face-to-face. School enrichment programs are short-term programs conducted during the school day that complement classroom instruction. Contact Camden County 4-H Agent Sharon Kinsey for more information at
Character Counts! (typically a 6–8 week program)
The Six Pillars of Character® are the core ethical values of CHARACTER COUNTS! These values were identified by a nonpartisan, nonsectarian (secular) group of youth development experts in 1992 as “core ethical values that transcend cultural, religious and socioeconomic differences.”
The Six Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. We recommend always using the Pillars in this specific order and using the acronym “T.R.R.F.C.C.” (terrific).
Population Education (variety of lessons so program can be tailored to interests and needs)
Population Education, a program of Population Connection, is the only national program with a strong emphasis on curriculum and professional development for K–12 educators that focuses on human population issues. Since 1975, the program has developed age-appropriate curricula to complement students’ science and social science instruction about human population trends and their impacts on natural resources, environmental quality and human well-being.
Design It! Explore It!
Spinning Toys, Balls and Tracks, Gliders, etc.
Get Moving! Get Healthy!
The Get Moving – Get Healthy with New Jersey 4-H (GMGH) action kits, display, and curriculum were developed to address the issue by providing an interactive and fun way to learn healthy eating habits, portion sizes, the Food Pyramid, and simple exercises. The curriculum has three major focus areas – understanding MyPyramid, identifying portion sizes, and learning easy ways to exercise. The kits include the following activities – Exercise Challenge, Finding Your Pyramid, Healthy Plate, Measure Up, Portion Distortion, Read the Label, Serving Match, Think What You Drink, Food Group Shuffle, and What Counts. Each has a lesson plan and provides options for expanding the learning experience.
Best for Older Youth
One Clip at a Time (grade 6 and older)
Empowering students to become stewards
One Clip at a Time, a nonprofit based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, has created an engaging and interactive service learning program and accompanying educator’s kit designed to motivate and empower students in 5th grade and above. The movement is an outgrowth of the “Paper Clips Project”, which brought worldwide attention to Whitwell, Tennessee after it was captured in the award-winning film, Paper Clips. Throughout the course of the program, students learn the history of the tragedy of the Holocaust and develop an awareness of the impact it had on the world. Students then discover ways to make positive changes in their own classrooms and communities and are encouraged to continually make a difference.
goLEAD Service Learning Program – Generation On (Middle school and high school)
generationOn’s state-of-the-art program, goLEAD (generationOn Leadership, Education and Development) is geared towards teaching leadership and community service skills to students, inspiring them to engage in meaningful service-learning and leadership skill-building to effect real community change.